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We are preparing to close this site soon as this content has now moved to Tāhūrangi.

Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.


Useful online collections of supporting resources and classroom materials to help you get started teaching Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories.

Māori History | Hitori Māori

Te Kete Ipurangi 's (TKI) Māori History site features Māori and English resources to support Te Takanga o te Wā – Māori History Guidelines Years 1–8, along with New Zealand Curriculum and NCEA links, resources, and learning experiences. 

Visit Māori History | Hitori Māori

Hitori Māori logo.

Waitangi Tribunal: School resources

This website gives information about the Treaty and the claims process. It provides resources suitable for both primary and secondary schools, including teacher’s notes.

Visit Waitangi Tribunal: School resources

Waitangi Tribunal logo.

NZHistory: Māori History

On the NZHistory website teachers and students can browse articles about key events and people in early Māori history. Choose other keywords for different selections on this website.

Visit NZHistory: Māori History

NZ History logo.

Te Ara – Māori New Zealanders: Iwi

Explore Te Ara's stories of iwi – their history, traditional lands and resources, facts and figures, related images, video, and audio, and their outlook for the future. One feature allows you to use a map of Aotearoa New Zealand to find out about iwi with histories associated with selected regions.

Visit Te Ara – Māori New Zealanders: Iwi

Te Ara logo.

Te Puni Kōkiri: Te Kāhui Māngai Directory of Iwi and Māori organisations

Te Kāhui Māngai can be used to find out basic information about iwi, hapū, and marae in your region and includes contact details for iwi representative organisations. It is also used in meeting requirements of the Resource Management Act – it is a tool for identifying iwi who have an interest in a local authority district or exercise kaitiakitanga within that region or district.

Visit Te Puni Kōkiri: Te Kāhui Māngai Directory of Iwi and Māori organisations

TPK logo.

28th Māori Battalion

This website records, remembers, honours, and maintains information about the Māori Battalion and its contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand. It includes an historical overview of the Battalion at war, an interactive map, contributed stories and memories, resources for schools, and a selection of photographs, audio files (oral history, radio recordings and waiata) and videos. It also includes a nominal roll of all 3600 men who served with 28th Battalion. Veterans, their families and other members of the public are encouraged to contribute to the website, to help keep alive the memory of the Māori Battalion for future generations.

Visit 28th Māori Battalion

Ngarimu VC AND 28TH (Māori) Battalion learning resource

This learning resource has been developed by the Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board for tamariki of all ages, whānau, kura and schools.

Visit Ngarimu VC AND 28TH (Māori) Battalion learning resource

Ngarimu VC AND 28TH (Māori) Battalion learning resource.

Auckland Museum: Learning resource collections

The Auckland Museum's learning resource collections online include field guides, curiosity cards, sound files, video, student guides, and teacher guides. Topics include New Zealand in World War I and World War II, volcanoes, and marine life.

Visit Auckland Museum: Learning resource collections

Kōtuia ngā Kete

Kōtuia ngā Kete (Kōtuia) is a collection-sharing site developed by National Services Te Paerangi, a team at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. The site connects collections and taonga across Aotearoa New Zealand with people, places, and stories.

Kōtuia brings together over 1.5 million digitised taonga | treasures and toi | artworks from over 80 whare taonga, museums, and galleries.

Visit Kōtuia ngā Kete

Kōtuia ngā Kete.

Te Papa: New Zealand History education resources

Online New Zealand history education resources are available from Te Papa's website. Some of these are to support education visits to the museum, some are articles and blogs written by museum staff, and some are activities such as worksheets for students. There is also information about Virtual Explorer – personalised virtual museum visits with one of Te Papa's educators on chosen topics for years 3–13 classes.

Visit Te Papa: New Zealand History education resources

Te Papa.

National Library of New Zealand: Collections

Use this A to Z list to explore the collections of the National Library of New Zealand, including the many and diverse collections in the Alexander Turnbull Library.

Visit National Library of New Zealand: Collections

National library logo.

National Library: Resources for teaching NZ history topics

This page contains the National Library's collection of teaching and learning resources for teaching NZ history topics

Visit National Library: Resources for teaching NZ history topics

National library logo.

National Library of New Zealand: Any Questions guide

AnyQuestions is a free online reference service for all NZ school students. It is open Monday to Friday, 1–6pm. Anyone with an internet–enabled device can use it. The aim of AnyQuestions is to teach students skills so they can find the information they need — rather than just giving them answers to their questions. An AnyQuestions librarian will use an online chat to explore a research topic or question with students and work alongside them to guide them to online resources.

Visit National Library of New Zealand: Any Questions guide

National library logo.

National Library of New Zealand – Services to schools: Lending service

Information about National Library's schools' lending service.

Visit National Library of New Zealand – Services to schools: Lending service

National library logo.

National Library of New Zealand: Topic explorer

The National Library's Topic explorer tool is designed to inspire student inquiry.

Visit National Library of New Zealand: Topic explorer

National library logo.

National Library: Papers Past

Papers Past provides access to old newspapers, magazines, journals, letters, diaries, and Parliamentary papers.

Visit National Library: Papers Past

National library logo.

National Library – Primary sources: how to use them

This page provides guidance on primary sources – original, first-hand, often unedited records of an event. They are created as people experience events and record what they saw, heard, and felt. Primary sources are characterised by their content, regardless of their format. 

Visit National Library – Primary sources: how to use them

National library logo.

WW100: New Zealand’s First World War Centenary 2014–2019

The WW100 website was created to support the centenary and commemoration of New Zealand's participation in the First World War. The website has a timeline, personal stories, stories of unsung heroes, images, audio, video, activities and ideas for teachers. It also has links to many other sites and sources for learning about the history of the First World War from a New Zealand perspective and the many roles played by New Zealanders.

Visit WW100: New Zealand’s First World War Centenary 2014–2019


The Vietnam War website is the hub for memories of New Zealand’s involvement in the Vietnam War. It was created as part of the Vietnam War Oral History Project run by Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Includes a searchable collection of oral history interviews, and a digital history archive where veterans, their families and the wider community have contributed memories and memorabilia such as photos, letters, or diaries.

Visit VietnamWar.govt.nz

Ministry for Culture and Heritage logo.

Ministry for Culture and Heritage – Roadside Stories

Here you will find a series of audio guides that follow major road trips in New Zealand covering places, their people, their history, and their cultural and natural significance. 

Visit Ministry for Culture and Heritage – Roadside Stories

Ministry for Culture and Heritage logo.

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision is New Zealand’s audiovisual archive. It holds an ever–growing collection of film and video, radio, television, sound recordings, computer / video games, artefacts and documents spanning 120 years of Aotearoa New Zealand’s sound and moving image history. Use keywords to search the catalogue for audio, moving image, and documents (some can be listened to or viewed online), browse online exhibitions with historical themes, and explore the collection of education resources. In Education Resources find resources on Our Film History and New Zealand Film Timeline.

Visit Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision logo.

DigitalNZ Ā-Tihi o Aotearoa

DigitalNZ is a search site that connects to reliable digital collections from New Zealand libraries, museums, galleries, government departments, the media, community groups, and others. Resources include videos, newspapers, maps, manuscripts, photographs, audio recordings, artworks, and news reports.

Visit DigitalNZ Ā-Tihi o Aotearoa

DigitalNZ  Ā-Tihi o Aotearoa logo.
