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Ata and Oho within Social sciences | Te ao tangata


We are preparing to close this site soon as this content has now moved to Tāhūrangi.

Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.

Ata and Oho within Social sciences

This resource provides guidance and suggested activities for using the Ata and Oho resources for exploring social and emotional learning through the refreshed
te ao tangata | social sciences learning area.

Ata and Oho are resources that have been collaboratively designed with schools, ākonga, whānau and communities as a support to help teachers notice and respond to social and emotional learning using two of the key competencies: Managing self and Relating to others.

  • Ata supports teaching and learning social and emotional skills, knowledge, and strategies.
  • Oho strengthens social and emotional learning by exploring the connections between ourselves and the world.

To access the Ata and Oho resources online, please visit:  HPE | Social and Emotional Learning – Resource collections
