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Teaching and learning

The New Zealand Curriculum (2007) emphasises the importance of effective teaching and learning with its statement about effective pedagogy.

A concurrent development in the New Zealand Ministry of Education, the best evidence synthesis programme, identified the characteristics of quality teaching for diverse learners.

Research in the Effective Pedagogy in Social Sciences/Tikanga ā iwi: Best Evidence Synthesis tells us that teaching in the social sciences/tikanga ā iwi is most likely to be effective if teachers:

  • make connections to students’ lives
  • align learning experiences to important outcomes
  • build and sustain a learning community
  • design experiences that interest learners.

In this section, find information and resources to support effective teaching in social science classrooms.

Effective teaching in social sciences

In this section, find out more about key social science teaching and learning approaches, including building conceptual understandings, and approaches to social inquiry. Follow links to the social sciences Best Evidence Synthesis, and discover a range of effective teaching strategies for the social sciences.

Effective teaching in social sciences

Teaching and learning units


We are preparing to close this site soon as this content has now moved to Tāhūrangi.

Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.


These resource ideas from the Ministry of Education and other organisations have a social science focus, or a cross-curricular focus with social science elements.

The resources are starting points for teachers in the classroom. Teachers are encouraged to save the unit files and adapt them to meet the needs of their students, school, and community.

These ideas link directly with the New Zealand Curriculum, and support development of the key competencies and values of the curriculum.

Teaching and learning units

ERO (The Education Review Office)

In 2007, ERO published three reports on schools’ effectiveness in the collection and use of assessment:

Visit ERO (The Education Review Office)

ERO logo.
