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Hītori Māori – Ngā kōrero o nehe: Māori history in the school curriculum


We are preparing to close this site soon as this content has now moved to Tāhūrangi.

Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.


Māori history encompasses the complete history of peoples in Aotearoa NZ, from the earliest Polynesian navigators, to those who interacted with English colonists, to the occupiers of land and the settlers of grievances, through to the movers, the shakers, and the everyday people of our communities today. 


The materials on this Hītori Māori | Māori history website have been developed to assist teachers to implement Te Takanga o te Wā Māori History in Aotearoa New Zealand: Teaching Guidelines for Years 1–8. Kua waihangaia tēnei paetukutuku hei āwhina i ngā pouako ki te whakatinana i Te Takanga o te Wā Ngā Hītori Māori Hei Aratohu mā te Pouako Tau 1–8.

The site includes possible programme designs for Māori history in years 1–8 and 9–13, along with New Zealand Curriculum and NCEA links, resources; ideas for using different contexts as a way to shape your classroom programme; and video clips of iwi historians and secondary teachers talking about Māori history and what this means in today’s world. 

Visit Hītori Māori | Māori History: Context – The Treaty
